Welcome to everything you need to make your very own sea moss gel in this convenient DIY kit that includes everything you need.
What makes this diy kit so special is that it contains a separate container with organic bladderwrack and organic burdock root…. Giving you ALL 102 minerals your body needs, with ease of use… all in THIS ONE SINPLE KIT!
You get access to a private page giving you ALL the deets on sea moss, how to spot fake sea moss, the difference between Irish moss and and sea moss, health benefits of sea moss, how to make your own custom herbal sea moss gel, plus tons of raw food recipes!
For ONLY $15, you get your own DIY kit, and access to ALL OF THIS!
$6 shipping anywhere in the USA!
These make great gifts, and empowers you to heal yourself and your family!
Each kit contains: Wildcrafted golden sea moss fromt he waters of St Lucia and is sun dried, organic burdock root, organic bladderwrack, a QR code to access our private sea moss page of info.
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SKU: DIY Sea Moss Kit
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